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Apply for a minor variation to an existing premises licence

A minor variation is an application to make small changes to your premises licence.

It is defined as one that could not impact adversely on any of the four licensing objectives which are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder;
  • public safety;
  • the prevention of public nuisance;
  • the protection of children from harm

The process may be used for changes such as:

  • small changes to the structure or layout of a premises;
  • the addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment (such as performance of plays or film exhibitions);
  • small changes to licensing hours (but see below on changes that relate to alcohol);
  • revisions, removals and additions of conditions (this could include the removal or amendment of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions, or the addition of volunteered conditions).

A minor variation application cannot be used to:

  • add the retail or supply of alcohol to a licence
  • extend licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am;
  • increase the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold by retail or supplied;
  • extend the period for which the licence or certificate has effect;
  • transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another, or vary substantially the premises to which it relates
  • specify, in a premises licence, an individual as the premises supervisor;
  • add the sale by retail or supply of alcohol as an activity authorised by a licence or certificate; or
  • disapply the mandatory conditions relating to a designated premises supervisor (there is a separate process by which community premises can apply for this).

To apply to vary the licence on a premises licence you need to submit the following:

  • a completed minor variation application form
  • a detailed plan of the premises (only if changes to layout are being applied for)
  • a copy of the current premises licence or a statement as to why it is not included
  • the prescribed fee - currently £89

Advertising requirements

You are required to display a public notice on the premises detailing the changes that you are applying for. This notice must be displayed in view of the public on white paper, and must appear from the day after the application is given to the licensing authority for a period of 10 working days.

A template of a public notice can be found attached at the bottom of this page.

How to apply

If you apply online then the licensing authority will serve the application on the relevant responsible authorities. You can email your application to or online via the box below.

If you submit your application via post then the licensing authority will determine if the application should be send to any responsible authorities to consult and they will send the application to any they deem relevant.

The Licensing Team 
North Hertfordshire District Council
PO Box 10613

If you are not sure if the changes that you want to make would be considered under this application process then you can email highlighting the proposed changes and the licensing authority can advise you.