The EU Services Directive aims to break down barriers to cross border trade in services between countries within the European Union and to make it easier for people to obtain licences, permits and other authorisations. The Directive only applies to specific licences and permissions (marked * below) but the Council intends to progressively make other licences available for online application.
More information about the EU Services Directive is available from the EUGO Portal.
Animal licensing
Boarding for cats and dogs
Breeding Dogs
Dangerous wild animals
Keeping or or training animals for exhibition
Pet Shop Licence
Riding Establishment Licence *
Selling animals as pets
Zoo Licence *
Camping, caravan and houses in multiple occupation licensing
Camp Site Licence *
Caravan Site Licence *
Houses in Multiple Occupation Licence *
Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
Personal Licence
Club Premises Certificate *
Premises Licence *
Make changes to an existing Licence
Sex Establishment Licence
Temporary Event Notice *
Gambling and Lotteries
Gaming machines
Small Society Lotteries
Gambling Act 2005
Environment and waste
Environmental Permit - Industrial Pollution Control *
Scrap Metal Dealer Registration – no link
Other authorisations, permits, licences and registrations
Cooling Tower Notification *
Food Premises Approval *
Food Premises Registration *
House to House collection *
Skin Piercing Licensing *
Street Collection *
Street Trading
Taxi Licensing