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Keeping or training animals for exhibition

To keep or train animals for exhibition you need a licence from the Council. More information on the definition of keeping and training animals for exhibition can be found in the Animal Licensing overview. 

Apply by post or email

Please complete a keeping or training animals for exhibition application and post or email it to us.

Application forms can be found at the bottom of this page. Applicants are required to complete Parts A and B.

Eligibility Criteria

Information of persons who may not apply for a licence can be found in the Animal Licensing overview.

Application Evaluation Process

Once an application has been received and payment has been made, an authoised officer will inspect the proposed premises to determine if it is a suitable environment to be licensed and meets the licence conditions.

The conditions that will be attached to the licence are set out in the relevant guidance attached at the bottom of this page. Additional conditions can also be attached to the licence if deemed necessary. Please ensure that you read the guidance specific to your business prior to making an application.

What does it cost?

All of the fees for the boarding establishments are set out in the Council's Application fees. If your business is dual functioned then the fee will be a combination of all listed that are applicable.

What happens next?

We aim to issue a decision on an application within 10 weeks of receiving it. It is possible that the process may take longer, for example if further information is required from the applicant or if it proves difficult to make the arrangements for the inspection.

Applicant/Licence Holder Redress

If you are unhappy about the way we have dealt with your application, the Council has a formal mechanism for dealing with such issues. Please see our Comments, Compliments and Complaints page or call our Customer Service Team on 01462 474000
