To store, prepare, distribute or sell food you need to be registered with the local authority where the premises is located.
Premises include restaurants, cafés, hotels, shops, canteens, market stalls, mobile catering vans and food delivery vans.
Some manufacturers handling products of animal origin may need to be approved by the local authority or the Food Standards Agency, rather than registered.
If you are not sure whether your business needs to be approved or registered, contact our Environmental Health Commercial Team using the contact details below.
Our public register of food premises is available on request by emailing
Register online
If you are unable to complete an online registration form please contact us on 01462 474000.
Registration is free but must be completed at least 28 days before opening your business.
After you've registered
We will enter the details of your food business on our register. A register of addresses and the type of business carried out at each premises in the district will be open to inspection by the general public. Records of the other information provided will not be publicly available.
We will acknowledge your application by letter and aim to visit your premises as soon as possible. You do not need to wait for a visit - once registered for 28 days you are free to trade as a food business.
If something changes
If the business proprietor (including the limited company) changes after you have registered you need to notify us. A new proprietor must complete an application form.
If the nature of the business changes or the address at which movable premises are kept changes please contact us at
Applicant or licence holder redress
If you are unhappy about the way that we have dealt with your application, you can raise your concerns with us through our Comments, Compliments and Complaints policy.
Registering community and charity food provision
There may be some low risk, small scale, irregular community and charity food provision that does not require registration. The Food Standards Agency has produced guidance to assist organisers in understanding the requirements:
Guidance on the application of EU food hygiene law to community and charity food provision (PDF)