You must apply to renew your licence before it reaches the expiry date in order to continue using it.
If your licence has expired, you must apply for a new licence. You will have to meet the requirements of the Taxi Licensing Policy as a new applicant. This includes the Disclosure & Barring Service check, medical test and knowledge test
To renew your driver's licence you will need to complete the following steps.
Step 1: Application form
The application form and fee should be received by us no later than 28 days before the current licence expires. The other documentation can be sent afterwards but must be received no later than 10 working days before the expiry date of the current licence.
Step 2: Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service check
A Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) enhanced disclosure is required for every grant or renewal of a taxi or private hire driver licence.
If you have signed up to the online DBS checking service and your subscription is still active you will be required to read the below DBS Declaration letter, sign and return it to
If you have failed to maintain your online DBS subscription you will be required to pay, book and attend a DBS check. The Disclosure & Barring Service fee is non-refundable. If you decide to withdraw your application or if it is refused, you will not be refunded.
When you are contacted by Experian regarding your DBS check, you must ensure the application form is accurately and fully completed. If there is insufficient or inaccurate detail, there may be a delay in issuing your licence.
Experian will provide you with a date for when the application form must be completed and returned by. If the form is not completed by this date, you will have to book and pay for a new DBS check.
Step 3: Right to Work check
You will be required to pay for, book and attend a right to work check if you have not previously provided your right to work documents showing:
- you are a British Citizen
- you have permanent leave to remain in the UK
Please refer to the following right to work check leaflet for further information, the leaflet includes a list of acceptable documentation and how to conduct an online check with the Home Office (where applicable)
Step 4: Safeguarding awareness course
As part of your renewal you are required to undertake a safeguarding awareness course.
You will need to pay for and complete the course. Once payment has been made you will be sent a presentation and questionnaire. Complete the questionnaire and return it to
Step 5: Medical forms (where applicable)
When renewing an existing licence, a medical is only required in the following circumstances:
- The driver is 70 years of age or older
- The driver has a medical condition that impacts on his/her ability to drive
A medical condition that has an impact on the driver’s ability to drive is one that is either advised to the driver by the Council during a previous application process, or a change in the driver’s health since the previous application. The medical assessment form is the DVLA D4 Medical Form.
You should make an appointment with your GP, or a registered medical practitioner, who will complete the form and return it to you. The completed form should be returned to or posted to:
Licensing Department
North Herts Council
PO Box 10613
Step 6: The Licence
If everything is satisfactory, a Taxi Driver’s Licence will be granted for a period of three years.
If you have any new criminal convictions or driving endorsements your application may be referred to the Licensing Manager for determination. This may involve attending an interview at the Council Offices.
If your application is refused, you have a right of appeal to the local Magistrates Court; further details can be found from the Court Clerk’s Office.
Receiving your Driver Badge
Once you have completed these stages you will be issued with:
- a photographic ID badge, this must be worn at all times whilst driving a licensed vehicle.
- A paper licence which must be retained for its duration.
Please do not chase up your application as these contacts will not be returned. You will be contacted once your application has been granted and provided with collection details.
If you have any questions, please contact the Licensing team via e-mail at