Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
We are committed to ensuring that the necessary infrastructure, services and facilities are provided to support sustainable growth and development in the District.
Under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Local Authorities may secure legal agreements with a person who has an interest in land. These agreements can set requirements for the developer such as providing a contribution of money or facilities towards the local community. It can also place restrictions on what developers can do with the land following the grant of planning permission.
The Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted in February 2023 and supports the new Local Plan for the period 2011 -2031. Policy SP7 of the emerging Local Plan requires developers to make provision for infrastructure deemed necessary to accommodate additional demands resulting from the development.
The SPD provides detailed guidance on the type and scale of developer contributions that will be sought to support new development in our area.
Planning Obligations SPD
The previous Planning Obligations SPD (2006) has now been revoked.