The Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is a guide for the future development of the towns, villages and rural areas in North Hertfordshire. The Design SPD is not prescriptive in terms of standards or requirements as it encourages developers and designers to think about the context of the site and how their development might contribute to and enhance the local area. This should ensure high quality development throughout the district regardless of scale or location.
As well as signposting national guidance available, from Government and other sources, more detailed local guidance is provided for each of the four towns, many villages and the rural area that can respond to the local character. The purpose of the document is to ensure that all issues relating to the design of a development have been considered.
The Design SPD contains:
- advice for developers and applicants when submitting planning applications;
- a compendium of guidance for Planning Officers and Consultants;
- further guidance and background evidence in respect of the LDF Policies;
- checklist to ensure that the key urban design principles have been considered;
- links and references to further guidance provided elsewhere;
- a glossary of terms.