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Statement on North Herts District Council election results 2021

Count May 2021

PR Date: Monday, 10 May 2021 - 12:15pm

Further to the election on 6 May, results for local District Council and By-elections 2021 have been verified and counted.  North Herts District Council (NHDC) now has 23 Conservative seats, 15 Labour and Cooperative seats and 11 Liberal Democrat seats. This means that there is no overall control of the Council.

The Council was previously a joint administration between Labour and the Liberal Democrats with 20 Conservative seats, 15 Labour and Cooperative seats and 11 Liberal Democrat seats.

The current Chair of Council, Councillor Terry Tyler, retained his seat by the drawing of lots. Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb, Leader of NHDC, was not re-elected at this election, which means there will be a new Leader for the Council. He remains Leader until the Annual Council meeting on 20 May, where announcements will be made about the new administration and new Leader for NHDC.

View the full list of this year’s District and By-election results.

Herts County Councillor election results can be found at:

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