North Herts Council has received the Inspector’s Final Report on the Examination of the District’s Local Plan 2011-2031.
The Inspector's Report concludes that the plan is sound, legally compliant and capable of adoption, subject to minor modifications which can be viewed in the report.
The issuing of the report marks the end of the Examination of the Plan which was sent to the Government in June 2017.
The conclusions of the Inspector’s report means that the Local Plan can now go forward with a recommendation to adopt the Plan at a Full Council meeting.
The Local Plan will be discussed at an Extraordinary Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 2 November at 7.30pm at the District Council Offices in Gernon Road, Letchworth. You can view the agenda here and watch the live stream here.
Following this the Local Plan will be considered at a Full Council meeting on Tuesday 8 November when a final decision will be made. You can view the agenda for the Full Council meeting here and watch the Full Council live stream here.
Cllr Ruth Brown, North Herts Council’s Executive member for Planning & Transport, said: “I am pleased that the Inspector has completed his examination of the District’s Local Plan and returned his report for local councillors to consider. Local Plans are a long and lengthy process and I would like to thank all of the local residents and groups who took part in the Examination and gave their views to the Inspector.”
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