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Churchgate Shopping Centre regeneration

Churchgate consultation and summary report

From September to November 2024 we ran an extensive consultation about the Churchgate site. This included holding workshops with key stakeholders, opening an in-person Hub to talk to members of the public, a feedback survey, distribution of leaflets, social media engagement and school activities.

We received a high level of participation with all these activities and we pulled out five key recommendations that should underpin any potential regeneration on this site.

Read the summary report for more details and other key results from the consultation.

Join the Churchgate conversation

Visit the Churchgate Conversation hub to find out more about the regeneration project:

Project background

North Herts Council acquired the leasehold for the Churchgate Shopping Centre in Hitchin in 2022. We are now exploring options for the redevelopment of the Churchgate shopping area of Hitchin to help protect and enhance the vibrancy of the town centre for future generations to enjoy.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to revitalise the town centre and create a more attractive outlook for Market Place and the Church.

Following the consultation phase, the council will appoint the necessary professionals who will work alongside the council throughout the regeneration process. This will include them creating a series of proposals for the centre. The community will have the opportunity to be a part of the process and share their views.