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Community Governance Review

North Herts Council is undertaking a Community Governance Review to consider parish ward boundaries, parish election dates and councillor representation throughout the North Hertfordshire area.

A Community Governance Review (CGR) is a way for the council to make sure that, at parish level, governance arrangements are working as efficiently and effectively as they should be.

We're asking the public, parish councils and any interested parties whether they feel their communities are suitably represented and whether there should be any changes made to current governance arrangements. Find out more about parishes and meetings.

The council is required to consult with local government electors in North Hertfordshire as well as other individuals and organisations who have an interest in the review. It is the responsibility of the council to undertake Community Governance Reviews under the provisions of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.

What the review covers

The community governance review will look at the whole of the district and can consider:

  • boundary alterations between existing parishes
  • creating, merging, altering or abolishing parishes
  • the name of parishes
  • electoral arrangements
  • grouping parishes under a common parish council or de-grouping parishes
  • the size of a council

Terms of reference

The Terms of Reference for the Community Governance Review are available below.

The report was considered at the meeting of Full Council on 11 July 2024.

Have your say

You can give us your views by completing the online survey:

If you can't complete the survey at home, you can visit the local library or the Council Offices. The survey can be completed on any electronic device.

The survey closes on 7 October 2024.

All responses will be considered individually, and you are able to submit as many responses as you would like to.

The consultation responses received will be published on the council’s website as part of a report to Council. Names and addresses will not be published. This information is collected to identify the areas that consultation responses have been received.

If you have any questions or would like more information please email


The indicative timetable for the review is below. Depending on local circumstances some dates may change, although implementation ahead of May 2026 is anticipated.

Date Action
11 July 2024 Full Council approved the Terms of Reference, signifying the start of the CGR.
19 July to 7 October 2024 First public consultation, lasting 11 weeks.
November 2024 to December 2024 Review by Officers and development of Draft Recommendations. CGR Working Group meetings will be held as appropriate to discuss, prior to consideration by Council. 
23 January 2025 Draft Recommendations to be considered by Council and approved for second round of consultation.
31 January 2025 to 28 March 2025 Second public consultation, on Draft Recommendations.
  Review by Officers and development of Final Recommendations. CGR Working Group meetings will be held as appropriate to discuss, prior to consideration by Council. 
July 2025 Full Council discuss and agree Final Recommendations.
July 2025 Reorganisation Order made.