'Made' Neighbourhood Plan
The Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan was made on April 2022. This decision followed a referendum held on 3 March 2022, in which more than 50% of those who voted, voted in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan was examined in September 2021 and the report is available to view in the documents below.
Consultation on proposed submission Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 16
Ashwell Parish Council submitted their neighbourhood plan to North Hertfordshire District Council on 5 February 2021.
Consultation took place between Tuesday 2 March and Thursday 15 April 2021.
The plan sets out a vision for the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications within the parish.
The representations to the neighbourhood plan can be viewed on our consultation portal.
Consultation on pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 14
The Parish Council have previously consulted on two draft neighbourhood plans, the first in 2018 and with a significantly amended plan in 2020. Further information is available on the Ashwell Village website.
Neighbourhood Area Designation
The Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated by Cabinet on 25 March 2014. A map of the neighbourhood plan area can be found below.