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What our people say

What do you enjoy most about your job at North Herts Council?

Waste Services officer beside vehicle

I have enjoyed the chance to obtain more skills whilst also sharing my own experiences and skills with my colleagues to not only improving myself in the work place but others too. Being included in decision making processes, the chance to lead on projects and cases and knowing that your feedback when shared is listened too. Seeing how my work benefits and positively affects others, especially residents.

Martin, Waste Services

What are your favourite North Herts Council staff benefits and why?

The flexibility the role gives me – working from home, which allows me to take time out to attend the gym at lunchtimes and allows me to take time out to drop-off my son to school and pick him up in the evening. The Christmas shutdown is always a very nice time too!

Tom, Green Space

What do you think makes North Herts Council a great place to work?

A beautiful district with a variety of towns, villages and countryside in which to work, a reliable IT set up with an onsite IT team that can help promptly and where necessary along with good staff benefits.

Suzanne, Environmental Health

What advice would you give to someone applying to work at North Herts Council?

Do it! Don’t be put off that it’s local government, we’re innovative and open to new ideas, and there’s great career progression.

Steph, Herts Careline

What do you enjoy most about your job here? 

The part I enjoy the most about my job is working out in the community with a variety of different members of the public. Through interacting with different types of people, I am able to remain open-minded and learn a lot!

Jenni, Health & Wellbeing Apprentice