We know that losing your job can be a stressful and challenging time. This page contains useful information for those who have found themselves unemployed or facing redundancy to help support your health, wellbeing, finances and return to the workplace.
Before you claim welfare benefits, contact Citizens Advice North Hertfordshire for local free, independent, impartial advice. Losing your job can be a huge shock but advisers are on hand to help.
Government guidance
Useful guidance if you're looking for a new job, are out of work, affected by redundancy or unable to work due to ill-health:
- Benefits and financial support if you're looking for work
- Benefits and financial support if you're temporarily unable to work
Redundancy support
Redundancy is a form of dismissal from your job and happens when employers need to reduce their workforce.
You can calculate how much statutory redundancy you can get using the Redundancy Calculator. It’s based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job.
You only qualify for statutory redundancy pay if you’ve worked for your employer for at least 2 years. Visit GOV.UK for more information on your redundancy rights.
Looking for work
You can find full or part-time jobs in England, Scotland and Wales using the ‘Find a job’ service from the DWP. The Herts Opportunities Portal can tell you about current vacancies across Hertfordshire.
- Find a Job
- Job Help - hints and tips on applying for jobs and searching for roles
- Jobs at North Herts Council
Developing skills and apprenticeships
Developing new skills, building on your existing ones and expanding your professional knowledge can be an important way of securing employment.
- Skills Support for Redundancy - Serco provide funded support in the form of training and careers guidance to both workers and employers facing redundancy issues
- Skills Support for the Workforce - Serco provides funded, recognised and accredited skills training to enhance employees’ skills, increase the competitiveness of businesses and help to boost the local economy
- National Careers Service can help you with your career, learning and training choices by providing information, advice and guidance
- The Skills Toolkit - free digital and numeracy courses are available to build your skills
- Futures For You are helping those affected by the current crisis to get back into work and training
- North Herts College offer Adult Learner courses and Apprenticeship courses that could help build your skills to re-enter the workplace
Apprenticeships are a way to 'earn while you learn' by providing on the job training and development in a variety of sectors. Visit GOV.UK for further information on apprenticeships
If you are an employer you may be interested in the DWP Kickstart Scheme which helps companies to take on young workers for 6 month supported placements.
Starting a business
Thinking of starting your own business? WENTA can offer advice and guidance.
WENTA, a Not-for-profit, social enterprise organisation, run a wide variety of FREE skills training webinars on subjects from starting a business to social media, websites and finance to support anyone in or considering self-employment.
Financial support
Keeping on top of your finances during a period of unemployment is vital.
Find out more about how you can support your income.
Call the Universal Credit Help to Claim line on 0800 144 8444 to check the best time to claim.
Housing Benefit has being replaced by Universal Credit. Most people will need to apply for Universal Credit instead. Check you are eligible for housing benefit before you apply.
Council Tax Reduction
If you are claiming Council Tax Reduction, you need to tell us about changes in your circumstances straight away. A change may affect how much you can claim.
Hertfordshire County Council’s Money Advice Unit latest factsheet includes help, advice and updates for people affected by coronavirus.
In addition, the Unit is also providing a Universal Credit online training course, which is available to anyone who works with people living in Hertfordshire.
If you are worried about debt, please contact the National Debt Line on 0808 808 4000.
Housing support
The impact on your finances caused by unemployment may impact the security of your accommodation.
See our Housing Advice and Homelessness Support pages if you are threatened with homelessness, need housing advice or are now eligible to apply to the Housing Register.
Health and wellbeing
We know unemployment can be a worrying time. Find out more how you can get support from our partners to improve your health, wellbeing and job search.