Normally applications are decided under the delegated decision-making procedure. This involves a report and recommendation by the Planning Officer which is considered and determined by the Development and Conservation Manager. Decisions are made on a daily basis and the majority of applications are determined by officers in this way and not reported to a committee.
Major developments of strategic significance, applications by the Council or its officers and applications called in by Councillors or where a contrary view has been expressed by a statutory consultee, are determined by the Planning Control Committee which meets on a four to five week basis.
There is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on planning applications at the meetings of the Council’s Planning Control Committee. The purpose is to allow applicants, their agents, objectors and supporters to make their views known to the Committee in person.
Issuing the decision
Once the application has been decided, the applicant or agent will be sent a formal notice stating the Council's decision. This is a legal document and should be kept with the Title Deeds.
Right to appeal
Once the applicant or agent has received the decision there is a right of appeal by the applicant.