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Overview and Scrutiny Review of Hitchin Town Hall and District Museum

In 2019 North Hertfordshire District Council undertook a scrutiny review into how the Council worked with its partners during the Hitchin Town Hall / District Wide Museum Project and to identify lessons learnt for future partner working relationships.

As part of the evidence gathering process for the review, the Council sought written witness statement submissions from individuals or organisations to address the following key areas:

  1. What were the issues that arose with partners during the Project?
  2. How did the Council and partners seek to resolve those issues?
  3. How effective were those approaches?
  4. What lessons can be learnt to improve future working relationships with partners?

These initial statements were reviewed and individuals who submitted evidence deemed relevant to the Review have been invited to give oral evidence to the Panel at hearings arranged for the following dates and times:

  • Day 1 - Wednesday 17 July 2019 from 2pm at District Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
  • Day 2 - Thursday 18 July 2019 from 10am at Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City

Papers for these meetings have been published. You can view the papers here.

Following the hearings on the 17 July 2019 and 18 July 2019 the Panel agreed that a further hearing date would be required and this has been arranged for the following date and time:

  • Day 3 - Friday 2 August 2019 from 10am at District Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City

Papers for this meeting were published. You can view the papers here.

Following the hearings the Chairman invited witnesses to make a further written submission. The further submissions received can be found below.


The Panel, which consisted of four elected NHDC Councillors from across all three political parties and an Independent Chair, was set up by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 19 March 2019.

The Press Release regarding the previous Call for Initial evidence is available here: ‘Calls for initial evidence in Hitchin Town Hall / North Hertfordshire Museum Project Review’ and the original call for evidence document can be found below.

Considerations by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee when establishing the Review Panel can be found here:

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 22 January 2019

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 19 March 2019

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