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Outdoor pools at Hitchin and Letchworth will open this season

Hitchin Outdoor Pool

PR Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021 - 2:15pm

Fans of outdoor swimming in North Herts will be delighted to know that this year they will be able to take a dip at the two outdoor pools in Hitchin and Letchworth. The facilities were not able to open last year, due to ongoing coronavirus restrictions.

At a meeting of North Herts District Council’s Cabinet on 16 March, Councillors agreed to opening the pools for the normal season, subject to Government restrictions.

The heated pools, operated by Stevenage Leisure Ltd (SLL) under a contract with NHDC, usually open on the last weekend in May and close at the end of the second week of September.

For the 2021 season, the pool will open on Saturday 29 May and Councillors also agreed in principle to an extension to the season of up to two weeks, and to extending the opening hours for the pools. Both of these decisions will depend on usage during the season and affordability.

Councillor Steve Jarvis, NHDC’s Executive Member for Leisure, said: “The outdoor pools are always extremely popular and we know that many people will have really missed using them last year. We hope to this year we’ll be able to provide swimmers with more opportunity to use the pools so users can make up for some of the lost time.”

Lee Medlock, Regional Contract Manager at SLL said: “After many months of being stuck indoors during lockdown, we are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to our facilities. We hope that that people will be able to make the most of them.”

To keep up to date with reopening plans for SLL’s gyms and swimming pools, follow:

Hitchin Swimming Centre

Letchworth Outdoor Pool

SLL website reopening plan page:

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