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North Herts Council support campaign to say “Enough is Enough”

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg
Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg

The Leader and Deputy Leader at Maldon District Council have resigned, due to abuse their councillors and staff have been subjected to, with police officers being called to a recent council meeting due to claims of disruptive behaviour.

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg, Leader at North Herts Council said “We are in full support of this campaign by Maldon District Council and have zero tolerance towards hate crime.

“Councillors and council staff provide essential services for our local area and yet at times they have become a target for frustrations. No one should have to tolerate abuse while simply doing their job.

“We know that the vast majority of people are respectful and understand how hard our councillors and staff work. However, there are a small proportion who take their anger out by shouting on the phone, in the street or leaving abusive comments on social media. Just this weekend we had to remove abusive comments on our social media channels directed at our grounds contractor, John O Connor, as well as threatening comments towards councillors in the context of remembrance events running in the area. This is absolutely unacceptable and direct threats will be reported to the police.”

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