If you have previously downloaded the Noise App you will need to download the latest version 'The Noise App 2.0' to enable you to submit recordings.
If you have an Apple or Android smartphone you can now use The Noise App 2.0 to make a complaint about a noise nuisance.
The app allows you to make short audio recordings of the noise and enter details about the nature of the disturbance using your smartphone or tablet which then combine to make an electronic noise diary. This can then easily be sent to the Council's Environmental Protection and Housing Team for investigation by submitting the complaint via the app (please note that an email account must be set up on the smartphone).
You can download the app for free using your smartphone or tablet at the following links:
You will be required to register your details following installation and select North Hertfordshire District Council as your Service Provider.
Please ensure that ‘push notifications’ are allowed so that you can be notified on your smartphone when the Council messages you within the app. If multiple noise recordings are being sent about the same address this can be done by selecting the particular address in the ‘Noise Diary’ section of the app and clicking ‘Add Recording’.
For more information on using the app, see the attached user guide below or alternatively you can watch The Noise App Walkthrough guide on YouTube.