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After an Asset of Community Value is listed

After a property has been listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV), we will register it via a Local Land Charge and as a Restriction against the Property title at the Land Registry.

When a property is listed we send a document to the owner providing more detail on what happens after a property has been listed.

Reviewing the decision

The owner of the property can ask us to review our decision. This is to challenge the basis on which we made the decision.

To do this, we must receive a request in writing within 8 weeks of us sending notification that the property has been listed as an ACV. The owner should detail why it was wrong to list the property. The applicant will be given a chance to comment on the reasons provided by the owner.

A review hearing will take place within 8 weeks. This will be carried out by someone who did not make the original decision. The owner can provide written evidence and can also provide evidence orally.

If the decision of the review is that the property should remain listed, then the owner can appeal to the General Regulatory Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal. This must be done within 28 days of being told about the outcome of the review hearing.

The owner can also ask us to review an ACV listing if there has been a significant change to the property. This can be requested at any time. The owner should do this in writing, providing reasons why the listing should be reviewed.  

There is more general information about the above in the government's advice note.
