What do you think of the Grange Recreational Ground in Letchworth? Do you live nearby? Do you visit regularly?
The council is looking at what improvements can be made as part of the proposed development to the north of the Grange Estate, as the masterplan for an adjacent 900-home development known as LG1 in our Local Plan has just been approved. The Grange Rec is owned by the council and is a large area of land - 6.7 hectares, roughly the size of nine football pitches! – and we want to make the most of it. Money from the anticipated section 106 agreements – whereby the developers of new homes have to contribute towards community facilities – will help fund future improvements.
The Grange Rec has a wealth of facilities including children’s play equipment, skatepark, basketball court/multi-use games area, outdoor gym, football pitches and changing rooms, or perhaps you use it to walk your dog or cycle through it? What facilities do you use and do any need improving?
Cllr Mick Debenham, Executive Member for Environment, Leisure & Green Spaces at North Herts Council, said: “The survey covers questions on facilities, safety and access, to help give us an idea of what the community think of the area. We want to know what elements are important to you and your family, so we can assess the impact of current facilities and identify community priorities. The recreational ground is an important asset to the Grange and surrounding area, which will serve new and existing residents into the future.”
There will be further consultation in the New Year, with more detailed discussions with residents and local groups.
Please complete the short survey by 18 October, it takes approximately five minutes to complete. If you have any queries about the survey, or need a large print or different version, please email: Planning.Policy@north-herts.gov.uk
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