Local Authorities are required to review their polling districts and polling places (this is the building or area where polling stations are located) for UK parliamentary constituencies at least once every five years.
In addition, following a district ward boundary review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, there have been changes to Ward boundaries and the numbers of councillors per ward in North Herts.
This change means we have to reconsider the location and the accessibility of our polling districts and polling stations and we would like to hear your views.
Starting from next year’s local elections in May 2024, we will be electing all of our district councillors at the same time. The next election of district councillors, unless a by-election is called, will then be in May 2028.There will be:
- 51 councillors
- 25 wards (5 one councillor wards, 14 two councillor wards and 6 three councillor wards)
We want to hear your opinion on whether you think any of the Polling Station locations should change, what you think about about any changes we are proposing, as well as your suggestions of where stations could be relocated to.
We are particularly interested to hear if electors in the district have reasonable facilities for voting and about the accessibility of those stations.
It's not always easy or possible to identify the perfect site for a polling station. Through holding this consultation we hope to locate places that are accessible to voters, including those who have disabilities or might otherwise have difficulties exercising their democratic rights.
Returning Officer, Melanie Stimpson, said: “You, the electorate are the ones who live in the communities where we locate polling stations and you are the ones that know the area the best.
“For democracy to work it is vital that everyone who has the right to vote should be able to do so, be that in person at a polling station, with a proxy vote or a postal vote.
“By letting us know your views on the location and suitability of our polling stations we can ensure that polling stations remain as accessible as they can be to those that use them.”
The consultation begins on 02 October and will run until 30 October 2023.
To take part in the consultation visit: https://www.north-herts.gov.uk/pollingreview
Alternatively, for those who don’t have digital access can call Customer Services on 01462 474000 to make an appointment to visit the Council Offices in Letchworth and fill in the survey on our reception computers.
Please complete the survey or send your comments by 30 October to: Elections@north-herts.gov.uk (mark the subject of the email as ‘Polling District Review’).
Further information about the consultation can be found on North Herts Council’s website at: www.north-herts.gov.uk/pollingreview
Comments received will be published on the Council’s website at the web address above and will also be considered by Council at the meeting in November. The agenda will be available to view via the Council’s website once published: Agenda for Council on Thursday, 23rd November 2023
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