PR Date: Sunday, 12 September 2021 - 9:00am
The outdoor swimming season is coming to a close, but the good news is there is one more week to enjoy swimming at Hitchin Outdoor Pool. North Herts Council agreed to extend the season this year so the pool will now remain open until 19 September rather than closing on 12 September as planned.
Season ticket holders for Letchworth Outdoor Pool will be able to use Hitchin Outdoor Pool for the additional week at no extra cost.
The outdoor pools have been very popular this year, usually usage declines significantly as the weather worsens in the autumn, however, the recent period of good weather has seen people continue to enjoy the facilities.
Councillor Steve Jarvis, NHDC’s Executive Member for Leisure, said: “I am very pleased that people have been making the most of our outdoor pools this season, especially after they were unable to open last year.”
“Swimming outdoors can be really beneficial for our physical health as well as our mental wellbeing. I hope people will make the most of the extended opening season, whether they are regular swimmers or would like to try outdoor swimming for the first time.”
If the extended opening hours are a success, we will look to extend both Hitchin and Letchworth’s season next year as well.
To keep up to date with SLL’s gyms and swimming pools, follow:
SLL website: https://www.sll.co.uk/
Hitchin Swimming Centre
Letchworth Outdoor Pool
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