PR Date: Monday, 20 July 2020 - 3:45pm
New hard-hitting anti-litter posters are being put up in North Hertfordshire’s parks and green spaces telling litter droppers, ‘Don’t be a tosser’.
The posters are North Herts District Council’s (NHDC) response to a recent deluge of littering in parks and green spaces in the district, which have been heavily used by residents during the coronavirus outbreak.
On some days this summer season the equivalent of an additional 8 – 10 litter bins of waste a day have been picked from the ground at Great Ashby District Park and 1 ½ vans full of litter a day have been removed from Hitchin’s Windmill Hill.
The Council’s ‘Don’t be a tosser’ posters will remind visitors it is their responsibility to help keep the districts parks and green spaces clear of litter.
NHDC is launching its anti-litter poster campaign just prior to Keep Britain Tidy’s summer long ‘Love Parks’ campaign which encourages people across the UK to care for and respect their parks and green spaces, making them an inviting and safe, litter free place for all who visit.
Cllr Steve Jarvis, NHDC’s Executive Member for Environment said: “While it’s great that more people are using the parks to exercise or have socially distanced get-togethers, it’s clear that some visitors forget or simply can’t be bothered to take their litter home with them, or put it in a litter bin.
“Tossing litter onto the ground is antisocial, creates an eyesore and costs the taxpayer to clean it up so please heed the message and dispose of your litter safely and responsibly.”
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