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Long-serving colleague at Letchworth Lido reflects on another successful season, welcoming over 50,000 visitors this summer

Susan with members

As the last swimmers left Letchworth Lido last weekend marking the end of another summer season, one colleague was there to bid customers farewell, just as she has done for nearly a quarter of a century.

Susan Charter, Senior Customer Service Advisor, has been a constant presence at the outdoor pool for 24 years, and this summer she helped welcome a total of 51,587 visitors to the popular local attraction.

“It’s been another brilliant season,” says Susan. “The highlight of the season for me has been welcoming back customers, as well as seeing new faces join the lido community. We get visitors from all over and hearing their connection to the lido is lovely. Some have never visited before, so receiving their initial feedback on how they love it is heartwarming.”

The lido, which is managed by Everyone Active on behalf of North Herts Council, will now undergo its annual transformation into an ice rink, for the local community to enjoy during the winter months.

Susan’s connection to the lido runs deep, having attended as a regular visitor herself when she was a teenager, following her mother’s passing.

“The lido has so much history and meaning to so many, none more so than me,” explains Susan. “We lost our Mum when I was 15 and the pool was a safe place for me to go with my friends and to see my sister whilst she was working there. I grew up going down as a child with both of my sisters, and have never stopped!”

“Every day at the lido is my favourite day.”

In 2000, Susan embarked on a unique career path that continues to this day. "I started working at the lido while also working in educational administration," she explained. "Twenty-four years later, I still work in both roles – but I love them both!”

Day-to-day responsibilities at the lido for Susan include answering customer enquiries, ensuring the pool Front of House runs as smoothly as possible, and using a new computer booking system to help visitors secure their place at the lido during peak summer and winter seasons. She also runs the facility’s new social media pages: “I love running the social media pages as it gives me a chance to inform everyone of the gem we have!”, she adds.

When asked what her favourite thing is about her role, Susan’s answer was simple: the people.

“My absolute favourite part of my job is the staff and regulars,” she says. “The customers are all so lovely and they respect the place and its importance to the locals. It’s not just a job to me, it’s home.

“The regulars are a very special bunch. We may give them a pool to swim in but in return they give us so much more, especially me. They have given me a love for a job that I will never get anywhere else. They mean more to me than words can express. Those who are no longer with us are regularly spoken about and fondly remembered. I also adore my colleagues – my friends and my pool family.”

As the new operator of the site, Everyone Active introduced an optional booking system this year, which Susan believes only enhanced visitors’ experience: “The booking system guaranteed that customers could visit the lido on hot days, whilst those who didn’t wish to book could just come along as they used to.

“Closing the lido at lunchtime was also a fantastic introduction – this used to happen back in the day and is an essential hour for the site to be prepared for the next session, ensuring everyone has a great time.”

New sun loungers were also introduced for this season while free public wi-fi, a new food and beverage offering and a table tennis area are coming soon.

“I really am supportive of the changes at the lido, which are needed to prolong the life of the pool. We are lucky to have new sun loungers and there has been no price increase on the rental of these which is great.

“I hope the lido continues to thrive and that I get to be part of it for a long time to come,” she says.

Chris Williams, Area Contract Manager for Everyone Active, said: “Susan is an incredible asset, and we are extremely lucky to have her as a part of Letchworth Lido’s team. The work she does is absolutely vital in helping the local community enjoy the much-loved facility.

“During the warm summer months and the colder winter months, Susan is there to welcome visitors with a friendly face and enthusiastic approach – she embodies the inclusive, community feel we hope will only grow in the years to come.”

Susan, North Herts Council and Everyone Active would also like to thank former colleague, Richard MacSweeney, for all his support over the years, and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

Sarah Kingsley, North Herts Council’s Service Director – Place, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Susan for her years of dedication and hard work at Letchworth Lido. Her commitment and care have made the lido a much-loved part of the community. It’s clear that her efforts have played a key role in maintaining the welcoming atmosphere that so many locals appreciate.”

The festive ice-skating rink at Letchworth Lido is due to open in November.

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