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Keep on swimming and win yourself a GPS smart watch!

Mascot Letchworth Outdoor Pool

The extension to the season at the Letchworth Outdoor Pool begins on Monday 12 September. Whilst the pool has had a record number of visitors this year, please do continue to visit the pool if you would like the extension to be considered again for next year.

The pool is owned by North Herts Council and operated by Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL). Traditionally it closes on 11 September, but following a petition by local campaigner Sue Foster, the pool will remain open until 30 September this year.

Swimmers will be able to keep on swimming for almost an additional three weeks on a reduced timetable (open all day Saturday and Sunday, closed Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday – Friday: two sessions running on from 07.00-11.00 and 15.30-18.30).

To reduce energy consumption the heating will be turned off on 18 September. The water should remain at an ambient temperature so it is comfortable to swim in. During the last week of extended opening, SLL will be running introduction to ‘open water’ swim sessions on Saturday 1 October and Sunday 2 October.

In addition, SLL is running a competition during the extension period and will issue visitors with a raffle ticket every time they visit. At the end of the season Sue Foster will pick winners from a hat. First prize will be a GPS swimming smart watch, with five smaller prizes on offer to include ice skating vouchers and indoor swimming vouchers.

Cllr Steve Jarvis, North Herts Council’s Executive Member for Leisure said: “We are really happy that we’ve been able to offer swimmers an extended season at the Letchworth Outdoor Pool. We know that many people love outdoor swimming because it is not only great fun but also good for body and mind.

“We are trialling the extension this year so that we can provide swimmers with more opportunities to use the pool while the weather allows, so please do make use of this great opportunity and fantastic facility.

Sue Foster said: “I’m delighted that Letchworth Outdoor Pool will be opening for longer this summer so we can have even more open-air swimming. 

“Every year when the pool closes we say we wish it was open for longer, so this year I set up a petition which received over 1300 signatures and lots of lovely comments about what the pool does for people’s mental health.

“During the extension I’ll be down here every day and I’m hoping to see the pool being really well used so that in the future we might be able to have an even longer extension. Please do come and join me!”

James Bliss, Regional Contract Manager for SLL said “We are pleased that the extended season at Letchworth Outdoor Pool will give the local community the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the pool come rain or shine, to either keep active or enjoy time with the family” For more information on opening times and prices visit: Letchworth Outdoor Pool (

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