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How safe do you feel in North Herts?

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We want to know how safe you feel in the district and what your priority concerns are regarding crime and disorder – anti-social behaviour, violent crime, violence against women and girls?

While North Herts is a relatively safe place to live and is one of the lowest crime areas in Hertfordshire, local organisations work hard to keep it that way. Please complete our short survey to let us know what you think about community safety in North Herts and what our priorities should be. Your feedback helps us address local issues and helps communities feel safer.

Each year the North Herts Community Safety Partnership (CSP) – which comprises North Herts Council, Herts Police, Hertfordshire County Council and Herts Fire and Rescue Service, housing associations and other bodies – produces an action plan detailing what it has done and what it plans to do to address crime and community safety in the district. For instance, the recent women’s safety event in Hitchin was organised by the CSP.

Questions in the survey include what your top three community safety concerns are, and whether you think the perception and/or fear of crime is disproportionate to actual crime levels.

Jeanette Thompson, Legal and Community Service Director, said: “Whether you live, work or visit North Herts, this is your opportunity to tell us your community safety priorities and any concerns you may have.

“The district remains one of the lowest crime areas in the county but we are not complacent. While we look at data and statistics, it’s also important to hear direct from local people, so please tell us what you think so we can allocate our resources accordingly.”

Neighbourhood Inspector for North Herts, James Lant said: “By working together and using a multi-agency approach we hope to be able to tackle the concerns raised by our local communities. Your input is vital and the information from this survey will be used alongside other data we hold, to support our ongoing work, shape our policing strategy and make the changes necessary to make people feel safer in North Herts.”

Please complete the community safety survey by 23 Feb.

More information: Community safety

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