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Healthy Hub distributes activity packs and treats for kids this Easter

Distributing Easter Packs

PR Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021 - 1:15pm

North Herts District Council’s Healthy Hub is distributing four hundred Easter activity packs to food banks and food rescue groups throughout North Herts this month.  

The packs are to recognise the challenging times children have faced during the pandemic and to provide some fun and enjoyment for children and their families during the Easter school holidays.

Each pack will include games, chocolates, craft activities, a drawing competition, recipes and other activities for families to enjoy doing together.

If you are a regular visitor to the Food Rescue Hub and food banks in Letchworth, Hitchin and Baldock, look out for packs when you drop in over Easter, but be quick as the number of packs is limited. The Best Before Cafe will also be delivering packs to users, along with their food parcels, to those they know have children in the household.

Regular customers to the Royston Food bank and Ickleford Community Larder will also be able to collect Easter treats for children provided by the Healthy Hub. 

Cllr Judi Billing, NHDC’s Executive Member for Community Engagement, said: “The last year has been a very testing time for children and their families. We hope that these packs will give children who are most in need of support the means to have fun together over the Easter Holidays. If you rely on the food hubs, make sure you pop in to pick one up.”

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