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Have you received a letter requesting a fresh signature?

Person signing a letter

In January each year, the council writes to all absent voters – those who opt for a postal or proxy vote – whose signatures have been held for more than five years, to ask them to provide a fresh signature within six weeks.

Unfortunately, a number of letters have been sent to residents by our printers without a pre-paid envelope for people to respond with. We have asked our printers to re-send the letters, including a pre-paid envelope.

We apologise to those who have received a letter without a pre-paid envelope, you have the following options:

  • Scan or take a photo of your completed form and email it to: – please note this must be a clear, good quality scan or photo.
  • Return your completed form by either hand delivery to our offices in Gernon Road, Letchworth, or by post.
  • Wait for your second letter which will include a pre-paid envelope.

If you have any queries please email or call 01462 474000.

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