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Flushed with success, as public loos awarded top marks

Public toilets at Howard Park
Jeanette Lowden, Waste Contracts Manager, with Ndudi Umeh from Danfo at Howard Park in Letchworth

All three public toilet facilities provided by North Herts Council have been awarded the highest level for the quality of maintenance, hygiene and cleanliness, as well as accessibility.

The British Toilet Association (BTA) was recently commissioned to carry out a survey of public toilet provision, and gave our loos five stars – no number ones or twos here!

The three facilities, in close proximity to either a park and/or a main town centre, have significant use throughout the day and are maintained and cleaned regularly on our behalf by Danfo. They are located in:

  • Hitchin – The Arcade
  • Letchworth – Howard Park and Gardens
  • Royston – Fish Hill.

Sarah Kingsley, Service Director for Place, which includes waste, greenspace and leisure, said: “We are delighted, some might say flushed with success, to be given the top award by the British Toilet Association for all three of our facilities across the district.

“We have worked in partnership with Danfo for a number of years and would like to thank their staff for their hard work and dedication to ensure our facilities are of the highest standard for residents and visitors.”

Read more about our public toilets here.

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