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Kimpton Flood Alert

A Flood Alert for groundwater flooding in Kimpton and Lilley Bottom was issued by the Environment Agency on 19 December 2024.

Visit our Flooding in Kimpton page for more information and guidance.

Prepare for flooding

Visit GOV.UK for guidance on preparing for a flood - you can:

Information about flood risks and protecting your property is available from Hertfordshire County Council.

The National Flood Forum has advice on preparing an emergency flood kit or 'grab bag'.

Groundwater flooding

Groundwater flooding occurs when water gathers beneath the ground, causing the water table to rise and reach the ground surface. Flooding may occur for a long time (possibly weeks) until the water table naturally falls.

Project Groundwater is running a trial for a Groundwater Flood Warning System, which is now available in Kimpton. It provides current and forecast groundwater levels, plus flood warning alerts directly to your device.

Protect your property

Flood defence products are available to buy online. Hydrosacks and Hydrosnakes are modern alternatives to sandbags and are available from various retailers. Blue Pages has more information about products and services available.

Sandbags: we do not provide sandbags to residents. Homeowners are responsible for protecting their properties in the event of a flood.

More information and guidance on protecting your home:

Report a flood

If a flood is posing a danger to life, contact the Fire and Rescue Service on 999.

Roads or paths: report a flooded road or footway or property damaged by flooding to Hertfordshire County Council.

Sewers or water mains: if flooding is being caused by blocked sewers or burst water mains, contact your water company.

Rivers: call the Environment Agency if a flood is being caused by a main river.

Safety advice during a flood


  • Take extra care when travelling
  • Check for road closures and delays before travelling
  • Don’t walk or drive through floodwater
  • Drive to the conditions


If your property is flooded and medication has been damaged, please speak to your GP practice during opening hours, or call 111 out of hours.

For anyone with a serious medical condition that is being made worse by flooding, please phone 111, or 999 in an emergency.

After a flood

The National Flood Forum has advice and guidance on what to do if you've been flooded and recovering your home.

If you're cleaning your home after flooding, it's important to do so safely - see the flooding and health: advice for the public information on GOV.UK.

Common questions

Who is responsible for what in a flood

Who is responsible for monitoring rivers in the county?

The Environment Agency are responsible for monitoring rivers in the county and issuing flood alerts.

Who is responsible for the safety of residents in this situation?

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service will respond to situations where there is a threat to life.

Who is responsible for the protection of residential properties and businesses from flooding?

Home owners, landlords and business owners have the responsibility to protect their properties in the event of a flood.

Who is responsible for flood water on the road network or pavements?

Hertfordshire County Council’s Highways service.

Water contamination

Who is responsible for clearing contaminated flood water?

The water company that is responsible for sewage in the area are responsible for removing contaminated flood water in residential and business premises.

North Herts Council are responsible for cleaning contaminated flood water on areas of land they own.

Hertfordshire County Council are responsible for removing contaminated flood water on the Highway (roads and pavements).

How do I know if flood water in my house and garden is contaminated or not?

Flood water may be harmful and you should assume it is contaminated.

What about my drinking water?

If you are concerned about your drinking water, you should contact your water supplier to discuss – in North Herts this is usually Affinity Water. If you notice a change in the smell or colour of your drinking water you should use bottled water to wash your hands and contact your supplier for further advice.

Should I be eating vegetables that have been grown in my garden?

If your garden or growing area has been flooded, you should assume it has been contaminated, any food should be treated as contaminated and should not be consumed.

Damage to property

Who should I speak to about damage to my home?

Always contact your insurance company in the first instance. If there is an emergency which means you cannot safely reside in your property please speak to North Herts Council’s housing team on 01462 474000 during working hours or Herts Careline on 0300 999 2 999 out of hours.

Health and mental health support

What should I do if flooding is causing me health problems?

Flooding can cause a range of health problems. There may be direct effects such as physical injury, or an increased risk of developing skin or gut infections through contact with contaminated flood water. Longer-term effects can include mental health problems and breathing problems due to exposure to mould and damp.

If you are concerned about your health please contact your GP or NHS 111. If it is an emergency please dial 999.

I am feeling really anxious and worried – what should I do?

Experiencing a flood can be frightening, and it can disrupt your daily life activities. It is normal to experience tiredness, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety in these circumstances even if your home was not flooded. It’s important not to underestimate the stress and strain of being flooded, having to move from your home, or cleaning up after a flood. Take the time to consider your and your loved ones’ mental health and wellbeing.

Advice on mental health impacts after flooding is available on GOV.UK.

Here are some links to local Hertfordshire mental health support in Hertfordshire that can help: