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East Herts and North Herts District Councils launch marketing campaign to encourage residents to Shop Safe, Shop Local

Shop Safe, Shop Local - North Herts

PR Date: Monday, 17 May 2021 - 3:30pm

To coincide with pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues opening indoors from 17 May, East Herts and North Herts District Council have joined together to launch a marketing campaign to welcome residents back safely to their town’s High Streets, shopping centres and hospitality outlets.   

A digital advertising van will tour the districts encouraging residents back to the High Street. Broadcast, online and print advertisements will run across local media and a newsletter will drop through each resident’s door, to demonstrate that towns in East and North Hertfordshire are open for business.

Cllr Jan Goodeve, Executive Member for Planning and Growth, East Herts District Council, explains: “High Streets have been severely affected during the pandemic and we want to support local businesses as much as we can to get back on their feet. Our stores, cafes and restaurants are keen to welcome customers back and we’re also encouraging residents to make a pledge to support local businesses wherever they can.”

Steve Crowley, NHDCs Commercial Service Director , added: “Local businesses across our towns have been working tirelessly to offer shoppers and diners the very best Covid secure experience. We’ve also added many hand sanitiser stations to our shopping centres, as well as one way systems to keep everyone as safe as possible.”

He continued: “The opening up of our High Streets is an exciting development and we can’t wait to properly welcome everyone back.”

The Shop Safe, Shop Local campaign is part of the Reopening the High Streets Safely Programme.  

Top tips: how to shop safe, shop local:

  1. Make a pledge to support local businesses throughout 2021.
  2. Take a lateral flow test before shopping in town.
  3. Give yourself a treat and dine in a local pub, café or restaurant.
  4. When shopping for essential goods and services abide by the physical distancing signage – remember to keep two metres.
  5. In-store wear a face covering at all times.
  6. Wash your hands and use hand sanitisers if shopping for essential goods.
  7. Handle as few things as possible, only pick-up what you want to buy.
  8. When you’re making a purchase use a card and don’t forget to bring your own bag.
  9. Avoid crowds and if there’s a queue, call back later.
  10. Remember if you have any Covid-19 symptoms you must self-isolate.

To find out more about how to Shop Safe, Shop Local, for East Herts District Council, visit and for North Herts District Council, visit

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