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Dig out your unwanted electricals and give them a new lease of life

PR Date: Tuesday, 4 February 2020 - 11:45am

Dig out unwanted, old or broken electrical items and bring them along to North Hertfordshire District Council’s next Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) collection, 10am-3pm on Sunday 16 February in Woodside Car Park, Hitchin.

Small electrical items such as; toasters, kettles, hairdryers and TV’s can be brought along to the event to be reused or recycled. However, we are not able to accept larger white goods including; washing machines, dishwashers and fridges.

A full list of items which can be taken to the event can be found on the NHDC website. Search ‘WEEE”

The items brought along which are suitable for reuse will be taken away, repaired if necessary and tested before being put back on the market.

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg, NHDCs Executive Member for Recycling and Waste Management said: “WEEE events are a really popular way for residents to de-clutter in an environmentally safe and cost efficient way. Electrical items shouldn’t be put in the purple landfill bins and can’t be put in the grey recycling bins, so this is a perfect opportunity to dispose of all those unused items.”

If you can’t make the event, unwanted electrical items can be taken to Household Waste Recycling Centres at Letchworth, Stevenage and Royston for recycling. See for details of these sites or call 0300 1234 051.

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