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Council approves further actions to tackle climate change


PR Date: Wednesday, 5 February 2020 - 3:30pm

Councillors at North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) approved a new Climate Change Strategy and action plan to help tackle climate change in the district, at a Cabinet meeting on 28 January.

The new Strategy builds upon the passing of a Climate Emergency motion by the Council in May 2019, where the Council pledged to do everything within its power to achieve net zero carbon emissions in North Hertfordshire by 2030.

The Council has agreed to:

  • Reduce the Council’s carbon footprint – including purchasing energy from renewable sources, consider the use of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles for all future operational vehicles, and minimising waste from Council activity.
  • Improve leadership in the fight against climate change in the district – including installing additional electric vehicle charging points in Council car parks, holding more frequent Waste Electric, Electronic Equipment recycling events, and increasing local awareness of how to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic waste.
  • Work closely with partner organisations to tackle climate change in North Herts – including supporting and engaging local community groups that address climate change, agreeing a plan to eliminate single use plastics from our Leisure Centres and swimming pools, and working with cycling groups to promote cycling as a means of transport.

NHDC has already actioned the following since passing its Climate Emergency motion last year:

  • Introduction of subsidised licensing fees for hackney carriages and private hire vehicles that use clean fuel.
  • Approval of a Council motion to promote renewable energy and support the Government’s Local Electricity Bill which if made law, would make the set up and running costs of selling local electricity to local customers affordable.
  • Conversion of floodlighting on Norton Common in Letchworth from halogen to LED lighting, which will cut energy use by 50%.
  • Launched a Plastic Free North Herts Campaign and helped promote businesses in the district who have achieved a plastic free status.

For a full list of all the actions the Council has taken to date, view the Council Plan.

Cllr Steve Jarvis, NHDC’s Executive Member for Environment said: "Last May the Council declared a climate emergency as part of its commitment to play a key part in the fight against climate change. Our new Climate Change Strategy sets out plans that will have a positive effect on our local environment and contribute towards reducing climate change and its impact world wide. The Council can’t do this alone so we need the continued help of residents, community groups and businesses to put these proposals into action and tackle the climate crisis we are facing in North Herts."

To find the full list of proposals approved by Cabinet view the PDF.

To find out more about NHDC’s Climate Change Strategy go to our Climate Change webpage.

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