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Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan


The examiner’s final report for the Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan has been issued and is available to view in the documents below.

Edward Cousins KC was appointed to undertake the examination of the Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan. During the examination, the examiner asked a number of questions and requested additional information from the Parish and District Councils. The responses can be found below.

Consultation on Proposed Submission Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 16

Barkway Parish Council and Nuthampstead Parish Meeting submitted their neighbourhood plan to North Hertfordshire District Council on 22 April 2024.

Consultation on the submitted neighbourhood plan took place between 10 May to 25 June 2024.

The plan sets out a vision for the parishes and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications within the parishes.

All of the comments and representations are available to view on our website through our online consultation portal.


Any representation may include a request to be notified regarding North Herts Council’s decision under Regulation 19 (making a plan) to make the submitted neighbourhood plan for Barkway and Nuthampstead.

Consultation on Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 14

The Parish Council previously consulted on a draft neighbourhood plan between September and November 2020. Further information is available on the Barkway Parish Council website.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

The Barkway and Nuthampstead joint Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated by Cabinet on 5 August 2014. Barkway Parish Council and Nuthampstead Parish Meeting were the relevant bodies that applied for designation. A map of the joint neighbourhood plan area can be found below. For further information visit the Barkway village website.