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Appeal for North Herts polling station staff at the general election and future elections


PR Date: Monday, 18 November 2019 - 10:30am

North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) is looking for additional people to step forward to help run polling stations in the district, for the general election on 12 December, or any future elections.

These paid roles include Poll Clerks and Presiding Officers. Each plays a vital part in ensuring the smooth and efficient running of polling stations for voters.

Duties for each role include:

Poll Clerk

  • To be in attendance at a polling station, allocated by the Electoral Services Team, by 6.30am to approximately 10.30pm
  • Set out the polling station and prepare for the opening
  • Follow instructions from the Presiding Officer and assist with Presiding Officer duties
  • Greet voters
  • Check eligibility and mark voters in the Register of Electors
  • Mark the Corresponding Number List and issue ballot papers
  • Maintain the secrecy of the ballot at all times

Presiding Officer

  • To be in attendance at a polling station, allocated by the Electoral Services Team, by 6.30am to approximately 10.30pm
  • Be in overall charge of the station
  • Represent the Returning Officer
  • Deal with special procedures
  • Monitor the activities of tellers, etc.
  • Responsible for security of ballot box, ballot papers, etc.
  • Ensure proper procedures are followed for issuing ballot papers
  • Instruct and supervise the Poll Clerk(s)
  • Ensure secrecy and security of the ballot
  • Responsible for the accurate completion of relevant statutory paperwork
  • Responsible for securely taking ballot papers to count location

Only people who have experience as a Poll Clerk at previous elections are eligible to become a Presiding Officer.

The fee paid for each of these roles varies depending on the election, and includes a fee for training and travel.

Those who apply and are accepted as a Poll Clerk or Presiding Officer for the general election, must attend a 90 minute training session on 3 December at the NHDC offices in Letchworth. Various time slots are available.

Anyone who works as a Poll Clerk or Presiding Officer cannot be employed either paid or unpaid by, or on behalf of any candidate or political party at the given election.

Staff at polling stations will be unable to leave the facility during the day, which includes to vote, so those who attend but want to vote in the election must make provisions to cast their vote by post or by proxy. For the general election, applications for postal and postal proxy votes must be submitted by 26 November (5pm). Applications for proxy votes must be submitted by 4 December (5pm).

David Scholes, the Returning Officer for elections in North Hertfordshire said: "This is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience of how an election is run, helping to deliver local results for the national election. If you are interested, do get in touch and we will be pleased to further discuss your involvement."

If you are interested in taking up one of these roles or would like to find out more, email or register your interest by telephoning the NHDC switchboard on 01462 474000 and select Option 2.

For further information about elections in North Hertfordshire go to

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