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Freedom of Information overview

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives a statutory right of access to all information held by public authorities, subject to some exemptions.

The Act is designed to make public bodies open, accessible and accountable and impacts the way that Councils respond to requests for information.

The Act provides the public with two new rights:

  • a right to know what information public authorities hold
  • a right of access to that information

The Council's procedures for handling FOI and EIR requests and our procedure for Reviews and Complaints under DPA are attached below.

Make an FOI request

Anyone can request information about the Council and its business using a FOI request. The only stipulation is that a FOI request should be received in writing (this could be a fax, email or letter).

Requests can be made to access any information held by the Council both past and present. This could be information held in an official report, a briefing document, emails, fax or even notes.

Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests can be made by phone or in person as well as in writing.

Environmental Information Regulations

Public authorities also have a duty to make environmental information available under the EIR, subject to some exceptions.

They are legally enforceable regulations that govern the public's right to access environmental information held in the public domain. Information covered by the regulations includes the state of the air, atmosphere, water, soil, land, landscape, as well as factors affecting the above elements such as substances, energy, noise, radiation or waste, emissions, discharges into the environment.

Administration of the request procedure is similar to FOI. Some environmental information requests may be refused under section 39 of the Freedom of Information Act and then answered under EIR.

Exemptions and Exceptions

There may be legitimate reasons for withholding information. Under the Freedom of Information Act they are called exemptions, and under the Environmental Information Regulations they are called exceptions. Unless information is covered by an exemption or exception it must be released if requested.

Number of FOI requests received

Number of FOI requests received per year
Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


2019 2020 2021
Number of requests 62 80 136 172 247 295 406 389 446 633 548 630 651 783 837 677 635

Further Information

Guide to Freedom of Information (Information Commissioner's Office)
